Number one: Things you should never allow kids to give their mothers (or should you give yours).
No. VERY bad idea |
A cookbook. (She'll see it as an insult to her orange and parsley meatball casserole)
Hedge trimmer. (Another potential Dad replacement or a comment about her leg-shaving habits)
A puppy. (A potential replacement for YOU.)
All the obvious things. Kids picking gifts when little is kind of a mistake anyway because most moms aren't big fans of Hotwheels or Barbies. They have to pick them up off the floor all the time or stepping on them when going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Legos are completely off the list. I heard a rumor that the government wants to replace water boarding with barefooted Lego walking.
Number two: For husbands, should you give your wife a gift on Mother's Day? She's not YOUR mother, after all...
This is a toughie and I have mixed feelings on this one. I always believed when the kids were little to get the gift for the wifey and have them sign a card, or make cookies or something. The bad thing is getting the wrong gift and then getting THE LOOK. How was I supposed to know that certain perfumes cause a rash?
Not sure if this is going to be of much help to anyone, but if you've got ideas about what NOT to get your Mom, I'd love to hear them.
And in the meantime, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.
Take care,
I got a wheelbarrow, not a lawnmower, for Mother's Day.